Day: March 12, 2020

Record Sell-Off Since 1987

03/12 Corona virus brings disaster to the world. European countries lost double digits (DAX -12%, FTSE -11%, CAC -1%). US all major indexes also plummeted about -10%. All one year gains are gone as sh...


03/12 Bloodshed on stock markets. DJIA and Nasdaq are near support / rebound level but markets keep falling.

Global Trouble

03/12 Corona virus hits almost all major economic countries in the world with exception. From China, South Korea, Japan, to Iran, Italy, German, France, UK, and USA, there are no safe places now. Ever...

Watch out Wild Trading

03/11 Tomorrow (03/12) may become one of the most memorable trading day with gap-down, circuit breaker, and maybe same day reversal. Friday (03/13) and next Monday (03/16) may be similar. 7300 and 618...