Sector: The Power of Healthcare 

December 8, 2022, 9:19 pm EST

The Power of Healthcare 

The healthcare sector hardly receives attention from most traders and investors in normal times. In the bull market, most people like IPO or technology stocks with high growth and promise potential. But, in the bear market, the focus shifts from growth to value stocks. 

It is exactly what happened for the past two months since early October. Please refer to the featured chart of Merck (MRK) where we can easily see the powerful rally of 26% gains in about two months. 

Moreover, there are many other leaders in this healthcare sector distributed in various industries:

  • Pharmaceutical: JNJ, LLY, PFE, INCY, BMY, ABBV
  • Bio-tech: GILD, ABBV, AMGN
  • Insurance: UNH, CI
  • Medical Equipment: ABMD, DXCM, SYK, ISRG
  • COVID-19 Related: MRNA, BNTX

Please take time to review the charts of each stock above so that you can be convinced that investors piled up on these defensive types of stocks in the past couple of months. 

We assume the trend will continue for 2023 to fuel the healthcare sector on higher grounds.

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