Stock Picks: Fighting COVID-19: NVAX

December 23, 2020, 11:10 pm EST

Fighting COVID-19: NVAX

COVID-19 is the number one problem people suffered the most  in 2020. Although there are many vaccines available, new forms of COVID-19 or effectiveness of the vaccines are still to be solved. Thus, it should be expected to have at least one position in this area for your portfolio entering into 2021. 

Novavax Inc (NVAX) grew more than 3,000% in its stock price performance in 2020. But it does not mean it is over. Unlike other vaccines requiring low temperature during transportation and delivery, NVAX vaccines are relatively easier in terms of temperature requirement to maintain. So, NVAX has a chance to compete with other giants like BNTX, MRNA, JNJ, PFE, etc. 

Technically, after pulling back and resetting its base, NVAX offers another opportunity to enter a new position around 130 as shown.

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